The Explorers' League Outpost
Deliver McSorf's Bundle to Stanwad at the Explorers' League Outpost in Howling Fjord.McSorf's Bundle (Provided) |
It's all a bunch of cryptic nonsense! Even with this cipher I can't make heads or tails of these tablets. Admittedly, cryptography is not my strong point.You'll need to take the cipher and tablets to our cryptographer, Stanwad. Unfortunately, I haven't heard from Stanwad in two weeks. He took a team of twenty scientists to the dig sites on the southeastern bluffs of the fjord and hasn't been heard from since. The best I can do is have McGoyver over there give you a lift with his flying machine.
<Stanwad grumbles.>Completion
<Stanwad takes the bundle from you and begins sorting the data.>Wow. How many people did you say died to get this information?
<Stanwad shakes his head.>
You'll be happy to know that what McSorf and his crew of bumbling imbeciles discovered is an ancient recipe for tundra stew. Did he not notice the icons of common vegetables and the pictograph of a humanoid mouth chompin' down on said veggies? You don't need a damned cipher to break this code!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 2,025 experience (66 at max. level)
- 10 Reputation with Valiance Expedition