Zedd's Probably Dead
Search Wyrmskull Village for Zedd.Description
To whomever finds this journal:These bloodthirsty monsters have taken up residence in the ruins of Wyrmskull. What they want or why they're here is a mystery. In any case, the artifacts are not safe with those beast-men around.
Zedd and I made a new discovery while hiding out: a cipher to decode the tablets! Unfortunately Zedd and I were separated late last night. He had the cipher. Tablets were with Glorenfeld and Daegarn. Location unknown...
Find Zedd.
You've found Zedd. You're no doctor but the prognosis for Zedd is most assuredly negative.It looks as if they were preparing to feed him to the worgs. Gruesome...
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 3,175 experience (1 62 at max. level)
- 25 Reputation with Valiance Expedition