Problems on the High Bluff
Speak with Walt.Description
As usual, the real work is left up to me and my crew. Thankfully McSorf's team didn't die for nothin'. The cipher they recovered will help us crack the stuff we've found up here - that is if we can ever get back to it! Damned iron dwarves have sprung up like leaks all over the place and are now attemptin' to bury the sites! Can you believe it? Bastards want to bury our finds!Anyhow, talk to Walt over yonder. He'll get you started.
Over half our team is dead or missing, junior. This is our last stand up here on the high bluffs. Those damned iron dwarves pushed us out of both Ivald's Ruin and Baelgun's. Now I've got a plan to get us back inside before they bury up all our goodies and we lose that data forever.Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 2,025 experience (66 at max. level)
- 10 Reputation with Explorers' League