Valiance Expedition
The main armies of the Alliance in Northrend, moving against the Scourge and unified under King Varian Wrynn's command.More info
Valiance Expedition, the main armies of the Alliance in Northrend, moves against the Scourge and is unified under King Varian Wrynn's command. Their alliance forces command the Strand of the Ancients.
Formed together with the Alliance Vanguard, they rally against the Lich King.
Formed together with the Alliance Vanguard, they rally against the Lich King.
The Valiance Expedition's primary base of operations is Valiance Keep in the Borean Tundra. Other bases include…- Valgarde, Howling Fjord
- Westguard Keep, Howling Fjord
- Wintergarde Keep, Dragonblight
- Fordragon Hold, Dragonblight
- Quests: There's numerous quests you can do in the bases listed above. Also, when The Silver Covenant is maxed out, Argent Tournament dailies will give Alliance Vanguard reputation instead.
- Instances: Wrath heroics (as well as normal level 80 instances: Utgarde Pinnacle, The Culling of Stratholme, The Oculus, Halls of Lightning) will give spillover reputation with all the Alliance Vanguard forces concurrently without a tabard equipped.