Dalaran (aka Dalaran City) is a magocratic city-state and was once located within the Alterac Mountains in the Eastern Kingdoms. Now, the city, including the Violet Citadel, resides above the Crystalsong Forest in Northrend. The top part of the city is sparkling and airy, while the sewers underground show the darker side of magic addiction and luxury.
Dalaran is the center for some cooking, fishing, and profession dailies. It is also the center for Wrath-quality Justice and Honor gear, as well as several mounts, pets, recipes, and vanity items.
The Violet Hold is an instance that is located within Dalaran.
Dalaran is the center for some cooking, fishing, and profession dailies. It is also the center for Wrath-quality Justice and Honor gear, as well as several mounts, pets, recipes, and vanity items.
The Violet Hold is an instance that is located within Dalaran.
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Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
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Dalaran City
Dalaran City
Dalaran City
Dalaran City
Dalaran City
Dalaran City
Dalaran City
Dalaran City
Dalaran City