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1. The Magical Kingdom of Dalaran
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The Magical Kingdom of Dalaran

Deliver the Kirin Tor Signet to Archmage Celindra at The Violet Gate in Dalaran.
Kirin Tor Signet (Provided)
The following spell will be cast on you:
Teleport to Dalaran


Hello, <name>. You may or may not be aware that we Kirin Tor moved our city here to Northrend.

No longer does Dalaran sit under its protective dome on the shores of Lordamere Lake. Now the city magically floats above the Crystalsong Forest.

We believe you to be ready for your journey to the city. Speak with me again and I will cast a spell of teleportation to transport you there.

When you arrive, seek out Archmage Celindra and give her my signet as proof that we spoke.


Greetings, <class>.


Welcome to Dalaran.

I'll see to it that the ring is returned.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2,125 experience (69 at max. level)
  • 13 Reputation with Kirin Tor



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