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3. Our Only Hope
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Our Only Hope

Speak to Gymer at Thrym's End in Zul'Drak once you have used the Jumbo Seaforium Charge to open the Scourge Enclosure that is holding him prisoner.
Jumbo Seaforium Charge (Provided)
Scourge Enclosure Blown Up


What I'm about to give you is called seaforium. It is a highly volatile explosive with some unique properties. Due to its malleable nature, you will be able to fill in the hinges and cracks of the cage for maximum damage.

Return to your friend and use the jumbo seaforium charge to set him free.

Let's hope he honors the bargain. He's our only hope.


I am a giant of my word, little one.



Do not be afraid, little one. Gymer is an honorable giant. Like you and your people, I too wish to see the Scourge driven away from this land and the Lich King destroyed. I will help you, as promised, to the best of my ability.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 10,620 experience (3 48 at max. level)
  • 97 Reputation with Argent Crusade



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