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1. A Great Storm Approaches
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A Great Storm Approaches

Gymer, King of Storm Giants, has asked you to find a way to release him from his cage. Speak with Engineer Reed at the Crusader Forward Camp.


You are not like the others, little one. You do not reek of the ancient death. Perhaps you can be trusted.

I am Gymer, king of the storm giants. I was lured here by my brother, Thiassi, now an undead servant of the Lich King. By the time I realized that his cry for help was a trap, it was too late. I am now a prisoner of the Scourge and I fear that soon I will suffer the same fate as many of the other storm giants.

Find a way to release me from this cage and I will aid you to the best of my ability.


A... A storm giant? I don't know about this, <name>. That sounds risky. On the other hand, I don't think we have too many other options.

If I do this you have to promise me that you will get your giant friend to help us deal with Navarius and his cronies.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2,125 experience (69 at max. level)



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