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"Elder Kesuk"Borean Tundra
"Elder Sagani"Borean Tundra
"Elder Takret"Borean Tundra
(NEEDS GRAPHICS)Steam Pump ControlsZangarmarsh
A Keg of Metal BrewThe Jade Forest
Abandoned Mole MachineBlackrock Depths
Abandoned Mole MachineBlackrock Depths
Abandoned Mole MachineBlackrock Depths
Abandoned WreckageKun-Lai Summit
Abbey Bell RopeDragonblight
Abomination Lab Orb StandIcecrown
Acherus LightningPlaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
Activation Switch GammaSholazar Basin
Activation Switch ThetaIcecrown
Adarra's CageGrizzly Hills
Adarrah's ChestKelp'thar Forest
Adventurer's Taskboard
Aetherion Ritual OrbDarkshore
Aged GrainValley of the Four Winds
Air Portal ControllerTwilight Highlands
Akali Chain AnchorZul'Drak
Alchemical ImplementsNorthern Barrens
Alchemy SetBurning Steppes
Alcohol-Free Brewfest SamplerDun Morogh, Durotar
Alliance FlagCrystalsong Forest
Alliance Flag
Alliance PlansBlasted Lands
Altar of Shadows
Altar of the Defiler
Altar of the TidesNorthern Stranglethorn
Altar of Tidal MasteryGhostlands
An empty bookshelfVale of Eternal Blossoms
Anchorite Relic
Ancient Amber ChunkDread Wastes
Ancient Amber ChunkDread Wastes
Ancient BellBlackwing Descent
Ancient ConduitAbyssal Depths
Ancient Control Console
Ancient FlameDarkshore
Ancient Mogu PipeMogu'shan Vaults
Ancient Statue ArmThe Jade Forest
Ancient Statue HeadThe Jade Forest
Ancient Statue ShoulderThe Jade Forest
Ancient Statue TorsoThe Jade Forest
Ancient Stone MarkerGrizzly Hills
Anomalus' Containment SphereThe Nexus
Anton's Letter of Commendation
Anub'ar MechanismDragonblight
Anvil of Conflagration PortalFirelands
Apexis DechargerBlade's Edge Mountains
Apexis Hieroglyph
Apexis Scroll
Apothecary Set
Apparatus Control ConsoleNew Tinkertown
Apple BobTwilight Highlands, Howling Fjord, Dragonblight
Applebloom Cider
Applebloom CiderThe Jade Forest
Ara Control Console
Ara Control Console S
Arcane CageThe Lost Isles
Arcane ContainerShadow Labyrinth
Arcane ContainerThe Steamvault
Arcane ContainerThe Arcatraz
Arcane Focusing Crystal
Arcane PrisonBorean Tundra
Arcano Control UnitShadowmoon Valley
Arcano Control UnitShadowmoon Valley
Arcano Control UnitShadowmoon Valley
Arko'niran's Chest
Arranged Crystal Formation
Arugal's FocusShadowfang Keep
Ash PileMolten Front
Ashtree Smoke (x2.0)Ashenvale
Atal'ai Statue
Atal'ai Statue
Atal'ai Statue
Atal'ai Statue
Atal'ai Statue
Atal'ai Statue
Attack Plan: OrgrimmarDurotar
Attack Plan: Sen'jin VillageDurotar
Attack Plan: Valley of TrialsDurotar
Auchenai CoffinTerokkar Forest
Auction HouseStormwind City
Aurora's Book
Azsh'ir IdolBlasted Lands
Azure FocusCrystalsong Forest
B'naar Control Console
B'naar Control Console S
Bael Modan Flying Machine
Bakkalzu's CageZul'Aman
Bale of HayUldum
Bale of HayUldum
Ball and chainPit of Saron
Ball and chain
Ball and ChainGilneas
Ball and Chain
Ball and ChainThe Deadmines