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Quick Facts
  • Level: 10 - 20
  • Territory: Horde
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Ghostlands is a low-level zone focusing on the alliance between the Blood Elves and Forsaken in pushing back the Scourge's presence. It is dark and shadowy with corruption throughout the land, culminating in Deathholme. It is also the site of the ancient Amani troll empire and the low-level reputation hub of Tranquillien.
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Level 0
Level 0
Level 0
Level 0
Level 0
Level 0
Level 0
Level 0
Level 0


Advisor Valwyn15GhostlandsA HHumanoid
GhostlandsA HUndead
Apothecary Enith12GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Apothecary Renzithen12GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Apothecary Venustus
<Royal Apothecary Society>
17GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Apprentice Shatharia12GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Apprentice Varnis12GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Apprentice Vor'el18GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Arcane Devourer11 - 12GhostlandsA HElemental
Arcane Reaver15 - 16GhostlandsA HElemental
Arcanist Janeda21GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Arcanist Vandril14GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Ash'ari Crystal60
GhostlandsA HUncategorized
Blackpaw Gnoll13 - 14GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Blackpaw Scavenger12 - 13GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Blackpaw Shaman12 - 14GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Blacksmith Frances
<Blacksmithing Supplies>
15GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Blood Knight Dawnstar23GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Borgoth the Bloodletter20GhostlandsA HUndead
Captain Helios
20GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Dame Auriferous18GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Dar'Khan Drathir21
GhostlandsA HUndead
Darnassian Druid13 - 14GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Darnassian Huntress14 - 15GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Deathcage Scryer9 - 11GhostlandsA HUndead
Deathcage Sorcerer16 - 18GhostlandsA HUndead
Deatholme Acolyte14 - 15GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Deatholme Darkmage17 - 18GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Deatholme Necromancer18 - 19GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Deathstalker Maltendis16GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Deathstalker Rathiel19GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Denara Eversun
<Mage Trainer>
25GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Dr. Whitherlimb18
GhostlandsA HUndead
Dreadbone Sentinel17 - 18GhostlandsA HUndead
Dreadbone Skeleton10 - 11GhostlandsA HUndead
Dying Blood Elf9GhostlandsA HHumanoid
<Poison Supplies>
15GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Eye of Dar'Khan19 - 20GhostlandsA HUndead
Fallen Ranger15GhostlandsA HUndead
Farstrider Dusking
14GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Farstrider Sedina
12GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Farstrider Solanna
18GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Farstrider Troll-Hunter86GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Gangled Cannibal12 - 13GhostlandsA HUndead
Gangled Flesheater10 - 11GhostlandsA HUndead
Geranis Whitemorn12GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Ghostclaw Lynx13 - 14GhostlandsA HBeast
Ghostclaw Ravager16 - 17GhostlandsA HBeast
Ghostlands Flame Keeper30GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Ghostlands Guardian25GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Greater Spindleweb17 - 18GhostlandsA HBeast
Halduron Brightwing
<Ranger General>
GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Haris Lightsbreath
<Paladin Trainer>
25GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Heron Skygaze
<Food & Drink>
14GhostlandsA HHumanoid
High Executor Mavren20GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Innkeeper Kalarin
17GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Jurion the Deceiver20GhostlandsA HUndead
Kel'gash the Wicked20
GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Keltus Darkleaf10GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Kiz Coilspanner
<Flight Master>
90GhostlandsA HHumanoid
GhostlandsA HUndead
Larva1GhostlandsA HCritter
Larva1GhostlandsA HBattle Pet
Leonic Truehair
<Warrior Trainer>
25GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Lesser Scourgebat16 - 18GhostlandsA HBeast
Lieutenant Tomathren
13GhostlandsA HHumanoid
GhostlandsA HUndead
Maggot1GhostlandsA HCritter
Maggot1GhostlandsA HBattle Pet
Magister Darenis13GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Magister Idonis18GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Magister Kaendris20GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Magister Quallestis17GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Magister Sylastor16GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Magistrix Aminel16GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Mana Shifter12GhostlandsA HBeast
Masophet the Black20GhostlandsA HUndead
Master Chef Mouldier
<Cooking Trainer & Supplies>
14GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Matron Narsilla
<Priest Trainer>
25GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Mirdoran the Fallen20GhostlandsA HUndead
Mistbat9 - 10GhostlandsA HBeast
Mummified Headhunter16 - 17GhostlandsA HUndead
14GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Nerubis Centurion18 - 19GhostlandsA HUndead
Nerubis Guard9 - 10GhostlandsA HUndead
Night Elf Corpse12 - 15GhostlandsA HHumanoid
<Stable Master>
16GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Pathstalker Lontral
<Rogue Trainer>
25GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Phantasmal Seeker12 - 14GhostlandsA HUndead
Phantasmal Watcher12 - 14GhostlandsA HUndead
Plagued Snapper12 - 13GhostlandsA HBeast
Provisioner Vredigar18GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Quartermaster Lymel
<General Goods>
18GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Quel'dorei Ghost10 - 11GhostlandsA HUndead
Quel'dorei Wraith11GhostlandsA HUndead
Ranger Belonis
<Hunter Trainer>
25GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Ranger Krenn'an
13GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Ranger Lethvalin
9GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Ranger Lilatha
16GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Ranger Valanna
12GhostlandsA HHumanoid


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