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2. Call of Earth
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Call of Earth

This quest was marked obsolete and cannot be obtained or completed.

Find Kodo Rock and drink the Earth Sapta.
Earth Sapta (Provided)


A sapta is a drink created to bind our spirits to the elements. Fused with magic, the potion will allow the open minded to see the elements as no one has seen them before. Your spirit will forever be tied to the element the sapta was created for, and only a select few of our kind know the secrets of its creation.

The sapta is always imbibed in a holy place, and never anywhere else.

Seek out the shaman shrine to the east of here and drink of the sapta.


Ugy fogsz haladni, hogy tudod, a hegyek az erod, a siksagok a turelmed, es a vilag maga a te kivonatod.

Alazatosan allni a fold elott, mindez eleg, hogy atess ezen a ritualen. De a tobbiek nem ilyen passzivak. Kaotikusak lehetnek, gyakran eroszakosak is, de ilyen az elemek termeszete. Kettos termeszet szegul szembe egy masikkal, meg kell tanulnod ezeket a dolgokat.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 185 experience (1 20 at max. level)



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