Call of Earth
This quest was marked obsolete and cannot be obtained or completed.
Bring the Rough Quartz to Canaga Earthcaller in the Valley of Trials.Rough Quartz (Provided) |
Take this rough quartz from me and bring it to Canaga Earthcaller as proof of our meeting. He will craft a totem for you, and this pebble will be the heart of it. As small as it may seem, you will come to find that size does not matter, and that even the smallest of things can outlast many others.Be patient, <name>. Remain strong. And seek wisdom. This is what earth asks of you. In the end, you shall become one with the earth--respect it as it shall respect you.
I wish to be the first to welcome you fully to the first of four paths that will forever lead you in your destiny.If you have the stone the earth gave to you, I will give you the totem it promised.
If not, then be gone with you until you have found your way.
Kituno!A totem, amit elkeszitek neked, tobb mint a statuszod szimboluma a <class>-ok kozott -- ezentul kepessegei is vannak. A totem hasznalhato fokuszkent varazslatoknak. Azok a varazslatok, amik a foldhoz kotodnek, es ahogy egyre nagyobb tudast gyujtesz, ugy tobbet erhetsz el a fold kepessegeibol.
A tanitok tudni fogjak mikor allsz keszen nagyobb tudasra.
De mostanra, fogd ezt a fold totemet, es egy tekercset, ami megtanitja neked az elso kepesseget!
You will receive:Earth Totem |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 450 experience (2 70 at max. level)