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  • Level: 30 - 35
  • Territory: Contested
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The Cape of Stranglethorn

The Cape of Stranglethorn is the southern part of Stranglethorn Vale, now split from the Shattering. It traces the escalating conflict between the goblin pirates of Booty Bay and their rivals, the Bloodsail Buccaneers. The rest of the zone is dotted with troll ruins and sandy beaches.

The Gurubashi Arena is also a point of interest--it is an arena that has a treasurechest placed at the center every 3 hours. Players fight over the contents of the chest, either for useful loot, or for the vanity achievement Gurubashi Arena Grand Master.

Booty Bay is a major city run by goblin pirates--many profession trainers are located here, as well as a neutral Auction House, bank, Inn, fishing contest, rogue trainer, boat to Ratchet, and unique recipe/item vendors.
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"Dead-Eye" Drederick McGumm33 - 35The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
"Good-Boy" Bruce32The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
"Pretty Boy" Duncan31 - 35The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
"Sea Wolf" MacKinley44The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
"Shaky" Phillipe44The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
[DND] Digsite Quest Pulse Bunny83The Cape of StranglethornA HUncategorized
[DND] Hardwrench Quest Pulse Bunny83The Cape of StranglethornA HUncategorized
[ph] Goblin Construction Crew55 - 56The Cape of StranglethornA HUncategorized
Airwyn Bantamflax
<Explorers' League>
60The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Arcanist Arman35The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Auctioneer Graves50The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Auctioneer Kresky50The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Auctioneer O'reely50The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Baby Ape1The Cape of StranglethornA HBattle Pet
Baron Revilgaz60The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Bill Buckler
<Master Pet Tamer>
32The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Blixrez Goodstitch
<Leatherworking Supplies>
43The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Bloodsail Buzzard35The Cape of StranglethornA HBeast
Bloodsail Cannon1The Cape of StranglethornA HUncategorized
Bloodsail Corsair29 - 35The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Bloodsail Corsair34 - 35The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Bloodsail Deckhand27 - 33The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Bloodsail Elder Magus28 - 33The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Bloodsail Hooch-Hound25 - 31The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Bloodsail Mage31 - 32The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Bloodsail Oarsman34 - 35The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Bloodsail Raider26 - 32The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Bloodsail Rowboat1The Cape of StranglethornA HMechanical
Bloodsail Sea Dog28 - 33The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Bloodsail Swabby26 - 32The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Bloodsail Swashbuckler25 - 31The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Bloodsail Traitor43The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Bloodsail Warlock25 - 31The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Bobber Spazzspark
<Fishing Supplies>
35The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Booty Bay Bruiser90The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Booty Bay Bruiser35The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Booty Bay Fire Bunny (Medium)1The Cape of StranglethornA HUncategorized
Bossy1The Cape of StranglethornA HBeast
Brashtide Attack Boat35The Cape of StranglethornA HUncategorized
Brashtide Crewman
<The Brashtide Crew>
34 - 35The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Brashtide Raider
<The Brashtide Crew>
34 - 35The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Brashtide Sot
<The Brashtide Crew>
34 - 35The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Brikk Keencraft
<Blacksmithing Trainer>
54The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Bronwyn Hewstrike
<Explorers' League>
60The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Brutus35The Cape of StranglethornA HElemental
The Cape of StranglethornA HBattle Pet
Cap'n Slappy65The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Cape of Stranglethorn Flame Keeper67The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Cape of Stranglethorn Flame Warden67The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Captain Bartholomew Softbeard
<Bloodsail Prisoner>
49The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Captain Hecklebury Smotts37The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Captain Keelhaul30 - 35The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Caravaneer Ruzzgot30 - 32The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Catelyn the Blade
<Blackwater Raiders>
50The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Chabal35The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Cockatiel1The Cape of StranglethornA HBattle Pet
Cold Eye Basilisk29 - 30The Cape of StranglethornA HBeast
Colin Swifthammer
<Gryphon Master>
The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Colin Swifthammer
<Gryphon Master>
85The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Corporal Jeyne35The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Cowardly Crosby
<Tailoring Supplies>
40The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Crab1The Cape of StranglethornA HCritter
Crank Fizzlebub34The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Crazk Sparks
<Fireworks Merchant>
46The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Crimson Moth1The Cape of Stranglethorn, Stranglethorn Vale, Northern StranglethornA HCritter
Crimson Moth1The Cape of Stranglethorn, Northern Stranglethorn, Stranglethorn ValeA HBattle Pet
Dask "The Flask" Gobfizzle
<Explorers' League>
33The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
<Blackwater Raiders>
34The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Digsite Zombie85The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Dizzy One-Eye
<Blackwater Raiders>
41The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Dread Captain DeMeza
<Scourge of the South Seas>
The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Dread Crew60 - 62The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Elder Mistvale Gorilla29 - 32The Cape of StranglethornA HBeast
Elder Shadowmaw Panther28 - 30The Cape of StranglethornA HBeast
Elder Winterhoof60The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Enormous Shawn Stooker
<The Brashtide Crew>
35The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Ephram "Midriff" Moonfall32The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
The Cape of StranglethornA HBattle Pet
Fargon Mortalak
<Superior Armorer>
42The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Fin Fizracket
<Blackwater Raiders>
42The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Finzy Watchwoozle
<Stable Master>
35The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
First Mate Crazz
<Blackwater Raiders>
44The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
First Mate Hapana68The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Fishbot 500050The Cape of StranglethornA HMechanical
Fleet Master Firallon30 - 35The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Fleet Master Seahorn
<Blackwater Raiders>
60The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Flem Gizzix35The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Flora Silverwind
<Herbalism Trainer>
44The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Forest Spiderling1Stranglethorn Vale, Northern Stranglethorn, The Cape of StranglethornA HCritter
Forest Spiderling1Northern Stranglethorn, The Cape of StranglethornA HBattle Pet
Freewheelin' Juntz Fitztittle31 - 32The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Garley Lightrider
60The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Garr Salthoof31 - 35The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Gim'hila35The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Glyx Brewright
<Alchemy Supplies>
45The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
<Saltscale Prisoner>
41The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Goblin Commoner1The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
<Explorers' League>
30The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
Gorlash32 - 33The Cape of StranglethornA HGiant
Grarnik Goodstitch
<Tailoring Trainer>
34The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid


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