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Quick Facts
  • Level: 80 - 83
  • Required level:
    • 10 Player Normal: 80
    • 25 Player Normal: 80
    • 10 Player Heroic: 80
    • 25 Player Heroic: 80
  • Instance type: Raid
  • Number of players: 10/25
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Trial of the Crusader

Trial of the Crusader is located in the Argent Tournament Grounds, in north-east corner of Icecrown. The entrance portal is located on the east side of the Argent Coliseum, near the Tier 9 and Emblem of Triumph vendors.
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
The Argent Coliseum
The Argent Coliseum
The Argent Coliseum
The Argent Coliseum
The Argent Coliseum
The Argent Coliseum
The Argent Coliseum
The Argent Coliseum
The Argent Coliseum


[ph] Argent Raid Spectator - FX - Alliance75Trial of the CrusaderA HUncategorized
[ph] Argent Raid Spectator - FX - Blood Elf75Trial of the CrusaderA HUncategorized
[ph] Argent Raid Spectator - FX - Draenei75Trial of the CrusaderA HUncategorized
[ph] Argent Raid Spectator - FX - Dwarf75Trial of the CrusaderA HUncategorized
[ph] Argent Raid Spectator - FX - Gnome75Trial of the CrusaderA HUncategorized
[ph] Argent Raid Spectator - FX - Horde75Trial of the CrusaderA HUncategorized
[ph] Argent Raid Spectator - FX - Human75Trial of the CrusaderA HUncategorized
[ph] Argent Raid Spectator - FX - Night Elf75Trial of the CrusaderA HUncategorized
[ph] Argent Raid Spectator - FX - Orc75Trial of the CrusaderA HUncategorized
[ph] Argent Raid Spectator - FX - Tauren75Trial of the CrusaderA HUncategorized
[ph] Argent Raid Spectator - FX - Troll75Trial of the CrusaderA HUncategorized
[ph] Argent Raid Spectator - FX - Undead75Trial of the CrusaderA HUncategorized
Trial of the CrusaderA HUndead
Argent Crusade Spectator75Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
Argent Crusade Spectator75Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
Argent Crusade Spectator75Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
Argent Crusade Spectator75Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
Argent Crusade Spectator75Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
Argent Crusade Spectator75Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
Argent Mage80Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
Barrett Ramsey
<Argent Coliseum Master>
Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
Barrett Ramsey
<Argent Coliseum Master>
Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
Barrett Ramsey
<Argent Coliseum Master>
Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
Barrett Ramsey
<Argent Coliseum Master>
Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
Barrett Ramsey
<Argent Coliseum Master>
Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
Blood Elf Coliseum Spectator75Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
Draenei Coliseum Spectator75Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
Dwarven Coliseum Spectator75Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
Forsaken Coliseum Spectator75Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
Garrosh Hellscream
<Overlord of the Warsong Offensive>
Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
Gnomish Coliseum Spectator75Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
Highlord Tirion Fordring83
Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
Highlord Tirion Fordring??
Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
Human Coliseum Spectator75Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
King Varian Wrynn
<King of Stormwind>
Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
Lady Jaina Proudmoore
<Ruler of Theramore>
Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
Night Elf Coliseum Spectator75Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
Open Portal Target1Trial of the CrusaderA HUncategorized
Orcish Coliseum Spectator75Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
Skittering Scarab80Trial of the CrusaderA HUndead
Tauren Coliseum Spectator75Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid
Troll Coliseum Spectator75Trial of the CrusaderA HHumanoid


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