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Quick Facts
  • Level: 10 - 15
  • Territory: Alliance
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Westfall is a low-level Alliance zone. It used to be a tranquil farming area on the coast, but is now taken over by the Defias Brotherhood and crime runs rampant. The Westfall Brigade has created a last-ditch effort at Sentinel Hill to aid the zone, but faces threats from the Brotherhood at Moonbrook.
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Level 0
Level 0
Level 0
Level 0
Level 0
Level 0
Level 0
Level 0
Level 0


Agent Kearnen22WestfallA HHumanoid
Brainwashed Noble15
WestfallA HHumanoid
Captain Alpert
<The Westfall Brigade>
WestfallA HHumanoid
Captain Danuvin
<The Westfall Brigade>
33WestfallA HHumanoid
Captain Grayson30WestfallA HUndead
Chasm Slime13 - 14WestfallA HAberration
Chicken1Westfall, Elwynn Forest, Tirisfal GladesA HCritter
Chicken1Westfall, Elwynn Forest, Tirisfal GladesA HBattle Pet
Christopher Hewen
<Trade Supplies>
30WestfallA HHumanoid
Clucks3WestfallA HBattle Pet
Coyote8 - 11Westfall, DuskwoodA HBeast
Coyote Packleader10 - 12WestfallA HBeast
Crime Scene Alarm-o-Bot21 - 24WestfallA HHumanoid
Deborah Fain
<Warlock Trainer>
25WestfallA HHumanoid
Defias Henchman13 - 14WestfallA HHumanoid
Defias Knuckleduster13 - 14WestfallA HHumanoid
Defias Pillager13 - 14WestfallA HHumanoid
Elder Skychaser60WestfallA HHumanoid
Energized Harvest Reaper12 - 13WestfallA HMechanical
Farmer Furlbrow20WestfallA HHumanoid
Farmer Saldean20WestfallA HHumanoid
Fleshripper11 - 12WestfallA HBeast
Foe Reaper 400012
WestfallA HMechanical
Foe Reaper 8003WestfallA HBattle Pet
Foreman Thistlenettle15WestfallA HUndead
Gina MacGregor
<Trade Supplies>
15WestfallA HHumanoid
Goretusk11 - 13WestfallA HBeast
Greater Fleshripper12 - 13WestfallA HBeast
Harvest Reaper12 - 13WestfallA HMechanical
Harvest Watcher11 - 12WestfallA HMechanical
Helix's Lumbering Oaf17
WestfallA HHumanoid
<Gryphon Master>
WestfallA HHumanoid
Homeless Stormwind Citizen9 - 10WestfallA HHumanoid
Homeless Stormwind Citizen9 - 10WestfallA HHumanoid
Hope Saldean20WestfallA HHumanoid
Hulking Goretusk14 - 15WestfallA HBeast
Innkeeper Heather
30WestfallA HHumanoid
Jango Spothide14WestfallA HHumanoid
Jimb "Candles" McHannigan9WestfallA HHumanoid
Kallen Stanner
<Warrior Trainer>
25WestfallA HHumanoid
Kirk Maxwell
<Stable Master>
30WestfallA HHumanoid
Kobold Digger9 - 10WestfallA HHumanoid
Kriggon Talsone
25WestfallA HHumanoid
Leprithus12 - 19
WestfallA HUndead
Lieutenant Horatio Laine30
WestfallA HHumanoid
Lieutenant Horatio Laine30
WestfallA HHumanoid
Lou's Parting Thoughts Trigger1WestfallA HHumanoid
Lumberjack5WestfallA HHumanoid
Lyndsay Hollister
<Hunter Trainer>
25WestfallA HHumanoid
Mama Celeste10WestfallA HHumanoid
Marisa du'Paige15
WestfallA HHumanoid
Marshal Gryan Stoutmantle
<The Westfall Brigade>
WestfallA HHumanoid
Master Digger11
WestfallA HHumanoid
Mercenary13 - 14
WestfallA HHumanoid
Mike Miller
<Bread Merchant>
20WestfallA HHumanoid
Moonbrook Thug13 - 14WestfallA HHumanoid
Mouse1Duskwood, Westfall, WetlandsA HCritter
Mouse1Westfall, Duskwood, WetlandsA HBattle Pet
Murloc Coastrunner10 - 11WestfallA HHumanoid
Murloc Hunter12 - 13WestfallA HHumanoid
Murloc Minor Oracle10 - 11WestfallA HHumanoid
Murloc Netter11 - 12WestfallA HHumanoid
Murloc Oracle13 - 14WestfallA HHumanoid
Murloc Raider9WestfallA HHumanoid
Murloc Tidehunter13 - 14WestfallA HHumanoid
Murloc Warrior12 - 13WestfallA HHumanoid
Old Blanchy2WestfallA HCritter
Old MacDonald
<Master Pet Tamer>
13WestfallA HHumanoid
Old Murk-Eye15WestfallA HHumanoid
Orphan1WestfallA HHumanoid
Overloaded Harvest Golem12 - 13WestfallA HMechanical
Prairie Dog1Westfall, Arathi Highlands, Stormwind CityA HCritter
Prairie Dog1Westfall, Arathi HighlandsA HBattle Pet
Priestess Cocoa Anderson
<Priest Trainer>
25WestfallA HHumanoid
Private Jackson
22 - 25WestfallA HHumanoid
Protector Bialon
<The Westfall Brigade>
30WestfallA HHumanoid
Protector Deni
<The Westfall Brigade>
30WestfallA HHumanoid
Protector Dorana
<The Westfall Brigade>
30WestfallA HHumanoid
Protector Dutfield
<The Westfall Brigade>
30WestfallA HHumanoid
Protector Gariel
<The Westfall Brigade>
30WestfallA HHumanoid
Protector Korelor
<The Westfall Brigade>
30WestfallA HHumanoid
Protector Leick
<The Westfall Brigade>
30WestfallA HHumanoid
Protector Weaver
<The Westfall Brigade>
30WestfallA HHumanoid
Quartermaster Lewis
20WestfallA HHumanoid
Rental Chopper1 - 5WestfallA HMechanical
WestfallA HHumanoid
Rise of the Brotherhood Event Dummy1WestfallA HHumanoid
Riverpaw Bandit12 - 13WestfallA HHumanoid
Riverpaw Bandit12 - 13WestfallA HHumanoid
Riverpaw Brute13WestfallA HHumanoid
Riverpaw Brute13WestfallA HHumanoid
Riverpaw Gnoll9WestfallA HHumanoid
Riverpaw Herbalist12 - 13WestfallA HHumanoid
Riverpaw Herbalist12 - 13WestfallA HHumanoid
Riverpaw Mongrel12 - 13WestfallA HHumanoid
Riverpaw Mystic13 - 14WestfallA HHumanoid
Riverpaw Scout9 - 10WestfallA HHumanoid
Riverpaw Shaman10 - 11WestfallA HHumanoid
Riverpaw Taskmaster13 - 14WestfallA HHumanoid
Rotten Ghoul10 - 15WestfallA HUndead


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