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Artisan Alchemist

Artisan Alchemist
100 yd range

Details on spell

Duration n/a
School Physical
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type n/a
Cost None
Range 100 yards (Vision Range)
Cast time Instant
Cooldown n/a
Effect #1 (36) Learn Spell
Value: 25
Effect #2 (44) Skill Step (171)
Value: 4


<Alchemy Trainer>
62Shattrath CityA HHumanoid
<Alchemy Trainer>
46DarnassusA HHumanoid
Alchemist Gribble
<Alchemy Trainer>
60Hellfire PeninsulaA HHumanoid
Alchemist Kanhu
<Alchemy Trainer>
62Shattrath CityA HHumanoid
Alchemist Mallory
<Alchemy Trainer>
26Elwynn ForestA HHumanoid
Alchemist Narett
<Alchemy Trainer>
37Dustwallow MarshA HHumanoid
Alchemy60Shattrath CityA HUncategorized
Alchemy Master
<Warriors of Darkness>
A HUncategorized
Apothecary Antonivich
<Alchemy Trainer>
60Hellfire PeninsulaA HHumanoid
Apothecary Bressa
<Alchemy Trainer>
70DragonblightA HHumanoid
Apothecary Wormwick
<Alchemy Trainer>
71DragonblightA HHumanoid
Arcanist Sheynathren
<Alchemy Trainer>
15Eversong WoodsA HHumanoid
Arthur Henslowe
<Alchemy Trainer>
69Borean TundraA HHumanoid
Bena Winterhoof
<Alchemy Trainer>
35Thunder BluffA HHumanoid
<Alchemy Trainer>
30Silvermoon CityA HHumanoid
Carolai Anise
<Alchemy Trainer>
25Tirisfal GladesA HHumanoid
Crystal Brightspark
<Alchemy Trainer>
75IcecrownA HHumanoid
Cyndra Kindwhisper
<Alchemy Trainer>
28TeldrassilA HHumanoid
<Alchemy Trainer>
10Azuremyst IsleA HHumanoid
Doctor Herbert Halsey
<Alchemy Trainer>
50Tirisfal GladesA HHumanoid
Falorn Nightwhisper
<Alchemy Trainer>
71Borean TundraA HHumanoid
Ghak Healtouch
<Alchemy Trainer>
25Loch ModanA HHumanoid
Jaxin Chong
<Alchemy Trainer>
46The Cape of StranglethornA HHumanoid
<Alchemy Trainer>
31AshenvaleA HHumanoid
Kylanna Windwhisper
<Alchemy Trainer>
52FeralasA HHumanoid
Lanolis Dewdrop
<Alchemy Trainer>
71Howling FjordA HHumanoid
Lilyssia Nightbreeze
<Alchemy Trainer>
35Stormwind CityA HHumanoid
Linzy Blackbolt
<Alchemy Trainer>
75Crystalsong ForestA HHumanoid
<Alchemy Trainer>
63Shattrath CityA HHumanoid
<Alchemy Trainer>
30A HHumanoid
Master Alchemist
<Alchemy Trainer>
1A HHumanoid
<Alchemy Trainer>
25DurotarA HHumanoid
Moonglade Alchemy Trainer
<Alchemy Trainer>
1A HHumanoid
Ni Gentlepaw
<Alchemy Supplies>
85The Jade ForestA HHumanoid
Poisoncrafter Kil'zit
<Alchemy Trainer>
90Dread WastesA HHumanoid
<Alchemy Trainer>
55Swamp of SorrowsA HHumanoid
Serge Hinott
<Alchemy Trainer>
32Hillsbrad FoothillsA HHumanoid
Tally Berryfizz
<Alchemy Trainer>
35Dun MoroghA HHumanoid
Wilhelmina Renel
<Alchemy Trainer>
71Howling FjordA HHumanoid
<Alchemy Trainer>
35OrgrimmarA HHumanoid


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