Withdraw to the Loading Room!
Follow the S.A.F.E. Operatives to Gaffer Coilspring in the Loading Room.Description
Excellent job gathering the other survivors! They - and you - are the reason S.A.F.E. teams keep coming down here. Nevin won't rest until we've found and rescued every possible survivor.I'm sending my men to the Loading Room to prepare for decontamination. Please follow them and meet up with Gaffer Coilspring when you arrive. She'll set you up for decontamination and have you on your way to the surface.
It's good to meet you, <class>. We rarely come across survivors as strong and capable as you are. I can help get you decontaminated and on your way out of here.Rewards
Also, you get: 2Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 12 experience (at max. level)
- 10 Reputation with Gnomeregan