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1. Decontamination
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Board the Sanitron 500 to begin the decontamination process.
Complete Decontamination Process
Decontamination Process started


You've been down here in Gnomeregan for a long time, <name>, and it's amazing that you've survived and kept your wits so long! We need to get you out.

Before we can send you to the surface to join the rest of the gnomes, you have to go through the decontamination process. Just head into the next room and board the Sanitron 500. It will do the rest! It shouldn't even hurt... much.

When you're all done, check in with Technician Braggle and he'll make sure you get some suitable gear.


There, now you're fit to head off to the surface and start your new life. The High Tinker will be delighted to hear of your arrival.


Also, you get: 25


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 135 experience (90 at max. level)
  • 150 Reputation with Gnomeregan


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