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  • Level: 81
  • Requires level 80
  • Side: Both
  • Sharable
2. A Test of Wills
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A Test of Wills

Use Erunak's Bridle to captivate a Zin'jatar Raider, then yank its reins until it submits.
Rendel's Bridle (Provided)


Arright, <laddie / lassie> here we go.

You just need to sneak up on one 'a them naga while they ain't lookin' and use this bridle on 'em.

Don't get too close, now! Ya gotta surprise 'em.

Do it right an' get 'em under your control, and it'll be time ta show 'em who's boss!

Just keep yankin' the reins 'til their will is broken, and you'll have yerself a fancy ride!

Go on, now. Go git you one! I think I can see one just north 'a here...


Also, you get: 7 80


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:



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