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Cardinal Ruby

Linzy Blackbolt in Dalaran wants you to successfully transmute 5 epic gems with your alchemy skill. Acceptable transmutes include Ametrine, Eye of Zul, Dreadstone, King's Amber, and Majestic Zircon.
Epic Gem Transmutes (5)


The Cardinal Ruby is said to be the finest gem in all of Northrend. It sparkles like a crystal rose under the sun.

Before I teach you this recipe, I ask that you perform five epic gem transmutes to prepare your mind. You can do any you like, and even do the same transmute many times.

Return to me when you are truly ready.


Have you performed the transmutes?


Very good, <name>.

Now, the trick is to align the facets just right...


You will learn:
Transmute: Cardinal Ruby


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 11,025 experience (93 at max. level)
  • 325 Reputation with Kirin Tor


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