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Jewel Of The Sewers

Marcia Chase in Dalaran City wants you to bring her a piece of Corroded Jewelry.
Corroded Jewelry


Hard to believe that most people fish in the Dalaran Sewers for giant rats and mutated fish. Especially when those waters are filled with priceless jewelry - discarded by broken hearted fools, thieves, and careless drunks.

The trick is to let your hook drag the bottom and don't pull up too hard when you get something. Try it out, <name>. I'd be willing to trade whatever you find for a few trinkets of my own.


Any luck?


Well now, that looks like it could be valuable. Difficult to know until it's cleaned up and appraised, but I'm still willing to make the trade if you are.


You will receive:
Bag of Fishing Treasures


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 12,680 experience
  • 325 Reputation with Kirin Tor


Chasing Marcia
Complete each of Marcia Chase's 5 fishing daily quests listed below.
Fishing daily quests completed
Fishing daily quests completed
Secondary Skills


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