The Touch of an Aspect
Request the aid of Alexstrasza the Life-Binder at Wyrmrest Temple.Description
The dragon-queen, Alexstrasza, possesses magics over all life. In the past, she has used great fire to incinerate undead and rebirth fresh new life in their place. Perhaps her powers might be able to save our Bridenbrad as well.Alexstrasza makes her home at Wyrmrest Temple in Dragonblight - please go to her and humbly request her aid on my behalf.
Greetings to you, <race>.The concern is clear on your face. Please tell me what troubles you.
Also, you get: 5 80Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 16,580 experience (5 49 at max. level)
- 195 Reputation with Argent Crusade