Clipping Their Wings
Captain Arnath in Heb'Valok has asked you to collect 7 Unblemished Bat Wings from Zul'Drak Bats.Unblemished Bat Wing (7) |
Ever since Finklestein's arrival, I've been relegated to collecting various ingredients for his experiments and recipes.I'll follow my orders as I've vowed to do, but I'm a seasoned veteran. I've taken part in dozens of conflicts. I'd much rather be on the front lines, having a more direct impact on the Crusade's outcome here.
Help me, <race>. Collect some bat wings for me so that I might get back to the real action sooner.
Have you finished collecting those bat wings for Finklestein?Completion
Excellent work, <name>.I thank you for your assistance.
You will be able to choose one of these rewards:Braided Bat Sinew | Bat Fur Mitts | Huntsman's Jerkin | Gauntlets of the Gatherer |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 21,180 experience (6 99 at max. level)
- 325 Reputation with Argent Crusade