Something for the Pain
Captain Brandon at Drak'Sotra wants you to collect 5 Mature Water-Poppies from Drak'Sotra Fields.Mature Water-Poppy (5) |
Gritty as my men are, they're still mortal.Wounds and pain diminish their ability to perform their missions. No amount of training changes that simple fact of life.
Thankfully, one of our alchemists has developed a recipe for a salve that binds to our bandages and greatly reduces the pain our soldiers experience.
The salve requires a special poppy these trolls cultivate just west of here. Go to Drak'Sotra Fields and harvest some of them to keep our stockpiles from running out.
Have you collected the water-poppies, <name>?Completion
Fine specimens, <name>.On behalf of my soldiers, I thank you for your efforts today.
Captain Rupert is likely the next stop on your patrol. He's stationed at the wall just east of here.
Also, you get: 1 58Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 97 Reputation with Argent Crusade