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The Drakkari Do Not Need Water Elementals!

Sub-Lieutenant Jax at The Argent Stand has asked you to kill 10 Drakkari Water Binders.
Drakkari Water Binder slain (10)


Intelligence reports that ever since those water elementals appeared in the Drak'Sotra Fields, a number of Drakkari shaman have come down from the upper tiers of Zul'Drak to take control of them.

I cannot stress enough, <sir / ma'am>, how dangerous that could prove. We do not want them to have water elementals at their disposal.

The commander has ordered that these Drakkari water binders are to be put to the sword. Head south when you're ready.


If I may suggest, you might want to take care of a few more of those Drakkari water binders.


Excellent work, <sir / ma'am>!

I'll see to it that the commander is apprised of your mission results.


Also, you get: 6 20


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 21,180 experience (6 99 at max. level)
  • 325 Reputation with Argent Crusade



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