Malas the Corrupter
Sergeant Moonshard at Drak'Sotra insists that you return with the Head of the Corrupter.Head of the Corrupter |
<name>, head back down there!You'll find the leader of Kolramas, Malas the Corrupter, gloating from atop the crashed necropolis.
Kill him and bring me his head!
I look forward to mounting his head on a pike. Let's see him come back from that!Completion
You're the <hero / heroine> of the hour, <name>.<Moonshard kicks the head away from him.>
You deserve our deepest respect, and something more I think.
You will be able to choose one of these rewards:Leggings of Fastidious Decapitation | Legguards of Solemn Revenge | Ceremonial Pike Leggings | Legplates of the Vengeful Mendicant |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 26,480 experience (8 73 at max. level)
- 455 Reputation with Argent Crusade