Secrets of the Scourge
Deliver the Flesh-bound Tome to Cavalier Durkon at Wintergarde Keep in Dragonblight.Flesh-Bound Tome (Provided) |
Scrawled across the flesh-bound chapters of this tome are strange symbols and shapes that seem to have been scraped into the pages with a blade. You have no idea what is written, but you are certain that whatever it is, it must be important.Deliver the tome to Cavalier Durkon standing guard topside at Wintergarde Crypt.
A Scourge tome?Completion
Whatever information is held in this book must be of great importance! I could hear the howls and wails echoing through the crypt as you made your escape!The High Commander must be notified!
The following spell will be cast on you:Update Auras |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 5,175 experience (1 68 at max. level)
- 25 Reputation with Valiance Expedition