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1. The Lost Shield of the Aesirites
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The Lost Shield of the Aesirites

Speak with Captain Ellis aboard the Sister Mercy.


If you listen real close you can hear cannon fire coming from the northeast. That's Captain Ellis's ship, Sister Mercy. Thing is, Ellis and his entire crew were killed 'bout a month ago.

<Harry nods.>

Ghost ship...

If it's info you be wantin' 'bout the shield, Ellis is the man to ask.

Sister Mercy docks on the small island between here and Sorlof's Strand to pick up more souls for the ship's crew 'bout once every five minutes. There be no shortage of souls 'round these parts...


Arrr, me'n'me crew pilfered that thar shield! We be tryin' to get her back from that no good, landlubbin' scallywag, Sorlof! Ye come to help, arrr?

Well, as ye can see we be runnin' a skeleton crew!

<Captain Ellis laughs.>

Sister Mercy be needin' another powder monkey to man the big'uns o'er on the poop deck. Think ye be up to the job, me hearty?

Help me crew take Sorlof down and we'll split the booty! Ye can have the shield, me'n'me crew gets the rest!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 15,120 experience (4 92 at max. level)
  • 300 Reputation with The Kalu'ak



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