The Kalu'ak
The tuskarr are a tough but peaceful people who derive their livelihood from fishing and whaling. Their settlements have recently come under fierce attack and welcome any allies who would come to their aid.More info
The Kalu'ak is a faction consisting of the tuskarr, a tough yet kind-natured nomadic race. Deriving their livelihood from fishing and whaling, they make even their enemies marvel at their ability to catch the most difficult sea animals. Their main settlement is Kaskala, which can be found in the Borean Tundra. Smaller branches can be found at Kamagua within the Howling Fjord, and Moa'ki Harbor in Dragonblight. A boat connects these three towns.
Their settlements are often under fierce attack by the Kvaldir and Gurlocs, and they welcome any new Northrend allies who would come to their aid.
Their settlements are often under fierce attack by the Kvaldir and Gurlocs, and they welcome any new Northrend allies who would come to their aid.
- Kaskala in Borean Tundra
- Moa'ki Harbor in Dragonblight
- Kamagua in Howling Fjord
- Quests: Both Horde and Alliance can get into Revered simply from questing in the three bases. Horde will be slightly ahead of Alliance since there are 5 additional quests in Borean Tundra.
- Dailies: There are three daily quests that grant 500 base reputation each:
Preparing for the Worst,
The Way to His Heart...,
Planning for the Future. WIth guild reputation bonuses, it will take slightly less than two weeks of dailies to hit Exalted if you've done the other quests.
- Tanaika in Howling Fjord and Sairuk in Dragonblight mostly sells leveling blues, but
Mastercraft Kalu'ak Fishing Pole and
Nurtured Penguin Egg are notable.
- Exalted with the Kalu'ak grants
Tuskarrmageddon, slightly more achievement points than a usual reputation achievement.