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7. Let's Go Surfing Now
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Let's Go Surfing Now

Use the large Vrykul Harpoon Gun in Nifflevar to launch yourself into Valgarde. Report your victory over the Vrykul to Guard Captain Zorek.
Icehammer's Harpoon Controller (Provided)
Go Harpoon Surfing


Navigating the steep bluffs of Howling Fjord can be nerve-racking! I've come up with a solution to ease that burden by utilizing vrykul technology and dwarven ingenuity. With just a few adjustments and some fine tuning I've created Icehammer's harpoon controller! Of course it hasn't been tested, but that's what you're here for!

Take the controller to the big gun in Nifflevar and use it to launch yourself into Valgarde. Report your victory to Zorek. Oh yea, you can keep the controller.


<Zorek raises an eyebrow at you.>


You are insane, <name>! What kind of degenerate would actually launch themselves from a harpoon gun as a method of travel?

But I guess you need to be a little crazy to pull off what you did up there on the bluffs! Fantastic work! We've gotten word that the Dragonflayer leader, Ingvar, is furious! Maybe one day you'll be ready to stomp his face into the dirt - in the name of our beloved Alliance.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:



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