The Inconsolable Chieftain
Greatmother Geyah at Garadar has asked that you speak with Garrosh.Description
You have done so much for the Mag'har, <name>. Your accomplishments are known to all, including Garrosh. Go to him now and tell him of your latest victory. Tell him that you do what you do for him and his people. Surely he will be lifted by your words.Completion
Everyone is proud. Proud that our people will live to see another winter. But beyond that? What is there?Maybe you should lead this clan, <name>. Maybe then I will be allowed to die when the Greatmother passes. Allowed to finally erase the shame of my family name. I long for such peace.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 1,225 experience (63 at max. level)
- 20 Reputation with The Mag'har