Material Components
Greatmother Geyah at Garadar in Nagrand has asked that you collect 1 Olemba Root, 1 Marshberry, 1 Telaari Frond and 1 Dragonspine.Greatmother's List of Herbs (Provided) |
Olemba Root | |
Marshberry | |
Telaari Frond | |
Dragonspine |
Mother Kashur wishes to speak with you, <name>. Before this becomes possible, you must collect the herbs required to create a potion that will expand your mind, allowing you to commune with the spirits.You must gather Olemba root from Terokkar, marshberries from Zangarmarsh, Telaari fronds from Nagrand and dragonspine from the Blade's Edge mountains. I have written down instructions on this parchment as to the cultivation of these herbs. Return to me when you have gathered the materials.
Hello, dear.Completion
You are very resourceful, <name>. Our greatest gatherers would have taken twice as long to collect the herbs.<Greatmother Geyah mixes the herbs into a potion and then places the tincture to your lips, forcing you to drink.>Do not be afraid.Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 14,975 experience (7 92 at max. level)
- 700 Reputation with The Mag'har