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20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Complete the Neptulon quests in Vashj'ir up to and including Defending the Rift. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Complete the Neptulon quests in Vashj'ir up to and including Defending the Rift. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
And the Meek Shall Inherit Kalimdor Help each of the following critters get revenge on the mean old fire elementals. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Beware of the 'Unbeatable?' Pterodactyl Complete the jousting quests in Mount Hyjal up to and including Egg Wave. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Bounce Stay on the trampoline in the Whistling Grove in Mount Hyjal for 20 consecutive bounces. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Breaking Out of Tol Barad Complete 100 daily quests in Tol Barad. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Coming Down the Mountain Complete 115 quests in Mount Hyjal. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Consumed by Nightmare Endure the nightmares of Iso'rath in the Twilight Highlands. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Death From Above Bomb the following elementals during a bombing run in the Molten Front. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Deep into Deepholm Complete 110 quests in Deepholm. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Dragonmaw Tour of Duty Explore all the nooks and crannies of the Thundermar Ruins in Twilight Highlands and impress your Dragonmaw allies by killing the following. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Fading into Twilight Complete 120 quests in Twilight Highlands. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Fading into Twilight Complete 95 quests in Twilight Highlands. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Fireside Chat Speak with the following characters during the attack on the Molten Front. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Flawless Victory Solo kill a Molten Behemoth in the Molten Front without taking any damage from Molten Stomp or Fiery Boulder. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Fungal Frenzy Suffer the effects of a Poolstool, Shuffletruffle, Shrinkshroom and Trapcap simultaneously. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Fungalophobia Defeat Fungalmancer Glop during the Glop, Son of Glop daily quest in Deepholm without taking any damage from his Boomshrooms. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Gang War Win a duel in Sethria's Roost while on the quest "The Protectors of Hyjal." | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Have... Have We Met? Acknowledge your recognition by /waving at the following NPCs in Sethria's Roost. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Help the Bombardier! I'm the Bombardier! Kill 10 Schnotzz infantry with one artillery shell during the Fire From the Sky daily quest in Uldum. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
In a Thousand Years Even You Might be Worth Something Complete the Coffer of Promise quests in Uldum up to and including Harrison Jones and the Temple of Uldum. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Infernal Ambassadors Slay the elite invaders of Hyjal in the following ways. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
King of the Mountain Complete the Twilight's Hammer quest chain in Twilight Highlands up to and including Skullcrusher the Mountain. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
King of the Mountain Complete the Twilight's Hammer quest chain in Twilight Highlands up to and including Skullcrusher the Mountain. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
King of the Spider-Hill Reach the highest point in the Widow's Clutch within the Molten Front. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Legacy of Leyara Complete the Leyara quests in Mount Hyjal and the Molten Front. | 10 | Reward: Smoke-Stained Locket | Cataclysm | ||
Loremaster of Cataclysm Complete the Cataclysm quest achievements listed below. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Ludicrous Speed While on the quest Call the Flock in Mount Hyjal, obtain 65 stacks of Soar. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Master of the Molten Flow Complete the following challenges within the Molten Flow. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
My Very Own Broodmother Complete the Restless Brood daily quest in Deepholm within 90 seconds of striking the Resonating Crystal. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Ready for Raiding II Slay the following Lieutenants of Flame in Ragnaros' Reach without getting hit by their special attacks. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Rock Lover Complete the Lost in the Deeps daily quest in Deepholm 10 times. | 10 | Reward: Pebble | Cataclysm | ||
Round Three. Fight! Complete the Crucible of Carnage quests in Twilight Highlands up to and including The Twilight Terror! | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Sinking into Vashj'ir Complete 130 quests in Vashj'ir. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Sinking into Vashj'ir Complete 130 quests in Vashj'ir. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
The 'Unbeatable?' Pterodactyl: BEATEN. Complete the Vigilance on Wings daily quest in Mount Hyjal 10 times. | 10 | Reward: Chirping Box | Cataclysm | ||
The Fiery Lords of Sethria's Roost Hunt down and slay the following minions of Ragnaros in Sethria's Roost. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
The Glop Family Line Complete the Glop, Son of Glop daily quest in Deepholm 10 times. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
The Molten Front Offensive Unlock each of the following in the attack on the Molten Front. | 10 | Reward: Flameward Hippogryph | Cataclysm | ||
Unearthing Uldum Complete 105 quests in Uldum. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Veteran of the Molten Front Complete the Regrowth and Molten Front achievements listed below. | 10 | Title: The Flamebreaker | Cataclysm | ||
Visions of Vashj'ir Past Witness the 3 visions of the Naz'jar Battlemaiden in Vashj'ir. | 10 | Cataclysm | |||
Wildhammer Tour of Duty Explore all the nooks and crannies of the Thundermar Ruins in Twilight Highlands and impress your Wildhammer allies by killing the following. | 10 | Cataclysm |
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