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50 Stone Keeper's Shards
Loot 50 Stone Keeper's Shards.
Feats of Strength
100 Stone Keeper's Shards
Loot 100 Stone Keeper's Shards.
Feats of Strength
250 Stone Keeper's Shards
Loot 250 Stone Keeper's Shards.
Feats of Strength
500 Stone Keeper's Shards
Loot 500 Stone Keeper's Shards.
Feats of Strength
1000 Dungeon & Raid Emblems
Loot 1000 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost.
Feats of Strength
1000 Stone Keeper's Shards
Loot 1000 Stone Keeper's Shards.
Feats of Strength
2500 Dungeon & Raid Emblems
Loot 2500 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost.
Feats of Strength
A Brew-FAST Mount
Obtain an epic Brewfest mount.
Feats of Strength
A Tribute to Dedicated Insanity
Meet the criteria for A Tribute to Insanity without any raid member having used an item only obtainable from 25-player Coliseum, or any more powerful item.
Title: Argent DefenderFeats of Strength
A Tribute to Immortality
In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with 50 attempts remaining and without allowing any raid member to die during any of the boss encounters in 25-player mode.
Reward: Crusader's Black WarhorseFeats of Strength
A Tribute to Immortality
In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with 50 attempts remaining and without allowing any raid member to die during any of the boss encounters in 25-player mode.
Reward: Crusader's White WarhorseFeats of Strength
A Tribute to Insanity (10 player)
In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with 50 attempts remaining in 10-player mode.
Feats of Strength
A Tribute to Insanity (25 player)
In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with 50 attempts remaining in 25-player mode.
Feats of Strength
A Tribute to Mad Skill (10 player)
In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with at least 45 attempts remaining in 10-player mode.
Feats of Strength
A Tribute to Mad Skill (25 player)
In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with at least 45 attempts remaining in 25-player mode.
Feats of Strength
A Tribute to Skill (10 player)
In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with at least 25 attempts remaining in 10-player mode.
Feats of Strength
A Tribute to Skill (25 player)
In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with at least 25 attempts remaining in 25-player mode.
Feats of Strength
Agent of the Shen'dralar
Earn exalted status with the Shen'dralar.
Feats of Strength
Amani War Bear
Owner of Amani War Bear.
Feats of Strength
And I'll Form the Head!
Obtain Mimiron's Head from 25-player Yogg-Saron with no Keepers assisting you.
Feats of Strength
Ashes of Al'ar
Obtain the Ashes of Al'ar from Kael'thas Sunstrider in Tempest Keep.
Feats of Strength
Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian
Wielder of Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian.
Feats of Strength
Avast Ye, Admiral!
Obtain the Bloodsail Admiral's Hat... and try to get some fresh air every now and then.
Title: Bloodsail AdmiralFeats of Strength
Big Blizzard Bear
Proud owner of the Big Blizzard Bear from the 2008 BlizzCon.
Feats of Strength
Big Love Rocket
Obtain the Big Love Rocket from Apothecary Hummel in Shadowfang Keep during Love is in the Air.
Feats of Strength
Blood Guard
Earned the title, "Blood Guard".
Feats of Strength
Bloom and Doom
Accomplish the following on the Peacebloom vs. Ghouls quest in Hillsbrad Foothills.
Feats of Strength
Blue Brewfest Stein
Proud owner of the 2008 Vintage Blue Brewfest Stein.
Feats of Strength
Brutal Gladiator
Achieved Brutal Gladiator title.
Feats of Strength
Brutal Nether Drake
Obtain the Brutal Nether Drake from Arena Season 4 of The Burning Crusade.
Feats of Strength
Cataclysmic Gladiator
Achieved Cataclysmic Gladiator title.
Feats of Strength
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Twilight Drake
Obtain the Cataclysmic Gladiator's Twilight Drake from Arena Season 11 of Cataclysm.
Feats of Strength
Earned the title, "Centurion".
Feats of Strength
Earned the title, "Champion".
Feats of Strength
Champion of the Naaru
Earned the title, "Champion of the Naaru".
Feats of Strength
Champion of Ulduar
Defeat each boss in Ulduar in 10-player mode without allowing any raid member to die to that boss at any point during that raid lockout period.
Title Reward: Champion of UlduarFeats of Strength
Completed the paladin quest to obtain a Charger.
Feats of Strength
Clockwork Rocket Bot
Proud owner of the 2007 Vintage Winter Veil gift, the Clockwork Rocket Bot.
Feats of Strength
Collector's Edition: Baneling
Owner of the StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Collector's Edition Baneling pet.
Feats of Strength
Collector's Edition: Dread Hatchling
Owner of the Warlords of Draenor Collector's Edition Dread Hatchling pet.
Feats of Strength
Collector's Edition: Dread Raven
Owner of the Warlords of Draenor Collector's Edition Dread Raven mount.
Feats of Strength
Collector's Edition: Fetish Shaman
Owner of the Diablo III Collector's Edition Fetish Shaman pet.
Feats of Strength
Collector's Edition: Frost Wyrm Whelp
Owner of the Wrath of the Lich King's Collector's Edition Frost Wyrm Whelp pet.
Feats of Strength
Collector's Edition: Imperial Quilen
Owner of the Mists of Pandaria Collector's Edition Imperial Quilen mount.
Feats of Strength
Collector's Edition: Lil' Deathwing
Owner of the Cataclysm Collector's Edition Lil' Deathwing pet.
Feats of Strength
Collector's Edition: Lucky Quilen Cub
Owner of the Mists of Pandaria Collector's Edition Lucky Quilen Cub pet.
Feats of Strength
Collector's Edition: Mini Thor
Owner of the StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty Collector's Edition Mini Thor pet.
Feats of Strength
Collector's Edition: Mini-Diablo
Owner of the World of Warcraft Collector's Edition Mini-Diablo pet.
Feats of Strength
Collector's Edition: Netherwhelp
Owner of the The Burning Crusade's Collector's Edition Netherwhelp pet.
Feats of Strength
Collector's Edition: Panda
Owner of the World of Warcraft Collector's Edition Panda pet.
Feats of Strength
Collector's Edition: Treasure Goblin
Owner of the Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Collector's Edition Treasure Goblin pet.
Feats of Strength
Collector's Edition: Zergling
Owner of the World of Warcraft Collector's Edition Zergling pet.
Feats of Strength
Earned the title, "Commander".
Feats of Strength
Competitor's Tabard
Proud owner of a Competitor's Tabard from the 2008 Spirit of Competition event.
Feats of Strength
Conqueror of Ulduar
Defeat each boss in Ulduar in 25-player mode without allowing any raid member to die to that boss at any point during that raid lockout period.
Title Reward: Conqueror of UlduarFeats of Strength
Earned the title, "Corporal".
Feats of Strength
Crashin' Thrashin' Flyer
Proud owner of the 2013 Vintage Winter Veil gift, the Crashin' Thrashin' Flyer.
Feats of Strength
Crashin' Thrashin' Racer
Proud owner of the 2008 Vintage Winter Veil gift, the Crashin' Thrashin' Racer.
Feats of Strength
Deadliest Catch
Fish up Gahz'ranka in Zul'Gurub using the Mudskunk Lure.
Feats of Strength
Deadly Gladiator
Achieved Deadly Gladiator title.
Feats of Strength
Deadly Gladiator's Frost Wyrm
Obtain the Deadly Gladiator's Frost Wyrm from Arena Season 5 of Wrath of the Lich King.
Feats of Strength
Deathcharger's Reins
Obtain the Deathcharger's Reins from Rivendare in Stratholme.
Feats of Strength
Proud owner of Deathy's Murloc Egg from the 2010 BlizzCon.
Feats of Strength
Did Somebody Order a Knuckle Sandwich?
Raise your unarmed skill to 400.
Feats of Strength
Don't Want No Zombies on My Lawn
Survive 15 waves on Endless Mode the Peacebloom vs. Ghouls quest in Hillsbrad Foothills.
Feats of Strength
Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest
Owner of Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest.
Feats of Strength
Dreadsteed of Xoroth
Completed the Dreadsteed of Xoroth warlock quest.
Feats of Strength
Fangs of the Father
Wielder of the Fangs of the Father.
Feats of Strength
Field Marshal
Earned the title, "Field Marshal".
Feats of Strength
Fiery Warhorse's Reins
Obtain the Fiery Warhorse's Reins from Attumen the Huntsman in Karazhan.
Feats of Strength
First Sergeant
Earned the title, "First Sergeant".
Feats of Strength
Friends In Even Higher Places
Obtain an X-53 Touring Rocket mount through the Recruit-a-Friend program.
Feats of Strength
Friends In High Places
Obtain a Zhevra mount through the Recruit-a-Friend program.
Feats of Strength
Friends In Places Even Higher Than That
Obtain an Emerald Hippogryph mount through the Recruit-a-Friend program.
Feats of Strength
Friends In Places Higher Yet
Obtain a Heart of the Nightwing mount through the Recruit-a-Friend program.
Feats of Strength
Furious Gladiator
Achieved Furious Gladiator title.
Feats of Strength
Furious Gladiator's Frost Wyrm
Obtain the Furious Gladiator's Frost Wyrm from Arena Season 6 of Wrath of the Lich King.
Feats of Strength
Gaudy Winter Veil Sweater
Proud owner of the 2011 Vintage Winter Veil gift, the Gaudy Winter Veil Sweater.
Feats of Strength
Earned the title, "General".
Feats of Strength
Grand Black War Mammoth
Obtain a Grand Black War Mammoth.
Feats of Strength
Grand Marshal
Earned the title, "Grand Marshal".
Feats of Strength
Green Brewfest Stein
Proud owner of the 2009 Vintage Green Brewfest Stein.
Feats of Strength
Grievous Gladiator's Cloud Serpent
Obtain the Grievous Gladiator's Cloud Serpent from Arena Season 14 of Mists of Pandaria.
Feats of Strength
Earned the title, "Grunt".
Feats of Strength
Hand of A'dal
Earned the title, "Hand of A'dal".
Feats of Strength
He Feeds On Your Tears (10 player)
Defeat Algalon the Observer in 10-player mode without any raid member dying to Algalon at any point during that raid lockout period.
Feats of Strength
He Feeds On Your Tears (25 player)
Defeat Algalon the Observer in 25-player mode without any raid member dying to Algalon at any point during that raid lockout period.
Feats of Strength
Owner of the Hearthsteed mount from the Hearthstone promotion.
Feats of Strength
Herald of the Titans
Defeat Algalon the Observer in 10-player mode at level 80 without anyone in the raid wearing any equipment with an item level higher than is available in 10-player Ulduar.
Title Reward: Herald of the TitansFeats of Strength
Hero of Shattrath
Gained exalted status with The Scryers and The Aldor.
Feats of Strength
Hero of the Alliance: Cataclysmic
End PvP season 11 in the top .5% of the rated battleground ladder.
Feats of Strength
Hero of the Alliance: Grievous
End PvP season 14 in the top .5% of the rated battleground ladder.
Feats of Strength
Hero of the Alliance: Malevolent
End PvP season 12 in the top .5% of the rated battleground ladder.
Feats of Strength
Hero of the Alliance: Prideful
End PvP season 15 in the top .5% of the rated battleground ladder.
Feats of Strength
Hero of the Alliance: Ruthless
End PvP season 10 in the top .5% of the rated battleground ladder.
Feats of Strength
Hero of the Alliance: Tyrannical
End PvP season 13 in the top .5% of the rated battleground ladder.
Feats of Strength
Hero of the Alliance: Vicious
End PvP season 9 in the top .5% of the rated battleground ladder.
Feats of Strength
Hero of the Horde: Cataclysmic
End PvP season 11 in the top .5% of the rated battleground ladder.
Feats of Strength
Hero of the Horde: Grievous
End PvP season 14 in the top .5% of the rated battleground ladder.
Feats of Strength
Hero of the Horde: Malevolent
End PvP season 12 in the top .5% of the rated battleground ladder.
Feats of Strength