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Stone Bulwark Totem

Stone Bulwark Totem
8% of base mana
Instant1 min cooldown
Summons an Earth Totem with 10% of the caster's health at the feet of the caster for 30 sec that grants the caster a shield absorbing [cond(gt(AP * 0.625, SP), AP * 0.546875, SP * 0.875) * 4] damage for 10 sec, and up to an additional [cond(gt(AP * 0.625, SP), AP * 0.546875, SP * 0.875)] every 5 sec thereafter.

Details on spell

Duration 30 seconds
School Nature
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type n/a
Cost 8% of base mana
Range 0 yards (Self Only)
Cast time Instant
Cooldown 60 seconds
Effect #1 (28) Summon (Stone Bulwark Totem)
Value: 5

