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Handle With Care

Bring Elder Shu 50 Volatile Blooms.
Volatile Blooms (50)


I've seen the numbers these invaders have brought with them, this will not be an easy victory. I do know of one thing that may help us gain an advantage.

There is a plant that grows around the village that can be used to make a rather effective explosive liquid. If you can gather enough I can begin brewing the mixture.

The plant you are looking for is appropriately named volatile bloom. Handle it with care, <class>.


Were you able to find a suitable amount of volatile blooms?


These are perfect! Now, I would go wash your hands a few times <class>.

I would also continue to avoid open flames for a few days...


The following spell will be cast on you:
Helping Shu Quest Credit
Also, you get: 10 60


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 162,000 experience (16 at max. level)

