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Redeeming the Dead

This quest was marked obsolete and cannot be obtained or completed.

Take the Filled Shimmering Vessel to Silvermoon City's inn and use its magic to resurrect Sangrias Stillblade.
Filled Shimmering Vessel (Provided)


While you were preparing the vessel, I sent a group of initiates to retrieve Sangrias Stillblade. You will find him on the top level of Silvermoon's inn with an attendant. Make your way there with all haste and unleash the vessel's magic to restore him to life.

Time is of the essence, <name>. Once he has been dead for too long, not even the Light can bring him back to us. Return to me once you have resurrected Stillblade.


Welcome back, initiate. Now that you know the truth about the source of our power and you have demonstrated your skill in wielding it, I will grant you the ability to resurrect the fallen in the field.

Stay true to the order and excel at your training and you will only continue to grow in power.


You will learn:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1,175 experience (1 17 at max. level)


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