The Horde Needs Lean Wolf Steaks!
Bring 20 Lean Wolf Steaks to Bloodguard Rawtar at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.Lean Wolf Steak (20) |
I'm not standing here just to get a nice tan, <class>. There are war preparations to be made. If we're going to crush those bugs at Ahn'Qiraj then we need to be ready, and that includes food too!They have me gathering and salting lean wolf steaks here for the upcoming war. But since I need to stay here to take care of all of this, I need you to go out, kill some wolves and then cook up the meat into lean wolf steaks and bring them back to me here. You got all that?
The sprite darters can be dangerous critters when provoked. Be careful when dealing with them, <class>. And be even more careful of any night elves in the area. The pestering fools tend to hold up in the forests also.When you've gotten enough of the wings, let me know, I'll be sure to reward you well!
Wonderful, <class>! These will do nicely. There are enough here to make a cloak for Korrin, and possibly even more! Thank you.I hope the trip wasn't too dangerous? The area of Feralas is not known for being forgiving, but you've obviously done well enough.
Thank you again, <class>.
You will receive:Horde Commendation Signet | Ahn'Qiraj War Effort Supplies |