Call of Fire
This quest was marked obsolete and cannot be obtained or completed.
Bring the Torch of Eternal Flame to Kranal Fiss in the Barrens.Torch of the Eternal Flame (Provided) |
Torch firmly in hand, you turn away from the brazier and look out over Durotar. You feel an excitement tugging at your spirit as the wind picks up and forces the flame to dance violently.You start off down the path back to the Barrens in search of Kranal Fiss.
Yes, <name>? What do you have there?Completion
A szellemed fenyesebben langol, mint barmilyen faklya, amit eddig lattam, <name>, es erre buszke lehetsz.Ha ezt az utat folytatod, iranyithatod az elemeket es a testvereink hozzad fordulnak majd tanacsaert es bolcsessegert. Hadd legyek az elso, aki gratulal neked a legujabb totemert.
You will receive:Fire Totem |
Searing Totem |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 1,075 experience (1 17 at max. level)