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Recipe: Smoked Sagefish

Recipe: Smoked Sagefish
Item Level 15
Use: Teaches you how to cook Smoked Sagefish.
Requires Cooking (80)
Sell Price: 1 25


"Chef" Overheat
<Cooking Supplies>
45BadlandsA H5
"Cookie" McWeaksauce
<Cooking Trainer & Supplies>
8Azuremyst IsleA H5
<Cooking Supplies>
90Vale of Eternal BlossomsA H5
Craig Nollward
<Cooking Trainer>
32Dustwallow MarshA H5
Derak Nightfall
32Hillsbrad FoothillsA H5
<Cooking Supplies>
50FelwoodA H5
Emrul Riknussun
<Cooking Supplies>
30Dun MoroghA H5
Erika Tate
<Cooking Supplies>
30Stormwind CityA H5
<Cooking Supplies>
30DarnassusA H5
Galley Chief Alunwea
<Feathermoon Ferry>
65A H5
Galley Chief Grace
<The Lady Mehley>
40Theramore's Fall (A)A H5
Galley Chief Halumvorea
<Elune's Blessing>
65A H5
Galley Chief Mariss
<The Moonspray>
65A H5
Gloria Femmel
<Cooking Supplies>
20Redridge MountainsA H5
Jim Saltit
<Cooking Supplies>
60Shattrath CityA H5
<Cooking Supplies>
90Vale of Eternal BlossomsA H5
Karizi Porkpatty
<Cooking Supplies>
30OrgrimmarA H5
Kelsey Yance
43The Cape of StranglethornA H5
KTC Train-a-Tron Deluxe
<Professions Trainer & Vendor>
15The Lost IslesA H5
KTC Train-a-Tron Deluxe
<Professions Trainer & Vendor>
15AzsharaA H5
Master Chef Mouldier
<Cooking Trainer & Supplies>
14GhostlandsA H5
Metalworker Sashi
<Trade Goods>
85The Jade ForestA H5
Micha Yance
<Trade Goods>
40A H5
Moro Sungrain
<Trade Supplies>
40FeralasA H5
Mrs. Gant
<Cooking Trainer & Supplies>
45The Cape of StranglethornA H5
Naal Mistrunner
<Cooking Supplies>
40Thunder BluffA H5
<Cooking Supplies>
90Valley of the Four WindsA H5
<Cooking Supplies>
20TeldrassilA H5
Otho Moji'ko
<Cooking Supplies>
48The HinterlandsA H5
<Cooking Supplies>
30Azuremyst IsleA H5
Provisioner Lorkran
<General Goods>
73Grizzly HillsA H5
<Cooking Supplies>
30Silvermoon CityA H5
Ronald Burch
<Cooking Supplies>
30Tirisfal GladesA H5
Stephen Wong
<Cooking Supplies>
90Vale of Eternal BlossomsA H5
<Cooking Supplies>
30OrgrimmarA H5
Tarban Hearthgrain
22Northern BarrensA H5
<Cooking Supplies>
30DesolaceA H5
<Cooking Supplies>
30OrgrimmarA H5


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