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  • Disenchantable (175)
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Dalewind Trousers

Dalewind Trousers
Item Level 52
Binds when equipped
127 Armor
+25 Spirit
+9 Intellect
+5 Stamina
Durability 100 / 100
Requires Level 47
Sell Price: 1 28 15
Players can win this item when selecting the following class specializations:
  • Priest: 


A HDragonkin10
A HElemental4
Lieutenant General Nokhor63
A HHumanoid4
A HDragonkin3
A HDragonkin2
A HDragonkin1.5
Lord Kazzak??
A HDemon1.45
A HDragonkin1.36
Imperial Qiraji Destroyer62
A HHumanoid0.91
Colossal Anubisath Warbringer61 - 62
A HGiant0.38
Warpwood Moss Flayer48 - 49FelwoodA HElemental0.1
Atal'ai Priest52 - 53Swamp of SorrowsA HHumanoid0.1
Shadowsworn Ritualist54 - 56Blasted LandsA HHumanoid0.05
Diemetradon51 - 52Un'Goro CraterA HBeast0.05
Un'Goro Gorilla52 - 53Un'Goro CraterA HBeast0.05
Deadwood Shaman48 - 49FelwoodA HHumanoid0.05
Venomtip Scorpid48 - 50Burning SteppesA HBeast0.05
Bloodpetal Lasher51 - 52Un'Goro CraterA HElemental0.05
Living Blaze52 - 53Un'Goro CraterA HElemental0.05
Giant Ember Worg49 - 51Burning SteppesA HBeast0.05
Blackrock Necromancer51 - 52Burning SteppesA HHumanoid0.05
Rotting Ghoul54 - 55A HUndead0.05
Winterspring Screecher52 - 53WinterspringA HBeast0.05
Winterspring Owl52 - 53WinterspringA HBeast0.05
Shardtooth Mauler52 - 53WinterspringA HBeast0.05
Winterfall Shaman51 - 52WinterspringA HHumanoid0.05
Winterfall Ursa51 - 52WinterspringA HHumanoid0.05
Frostsaber Pride Watcher52 - 53WinterspringA HBeast0.05
Frostsaber Huntress52 - 53WinterspringA HBeast0.05
Ice Avatar54 - 55WinterspringA HElemental0.05
Coldlurk Creeper51 - 52WinterspringA HBeast0.05
Frostshard Rumbler51 - 52WinterspringA HElemental0.05
Wretched Spectre50 - 51WinterspringA HUndead0.05
Thistleshrub Rootshaper49 - 50A HElemental0.05
Black Broodling51 - 52A HDragonkin0.05
Felbeast50 - 51A HDemon0.05
Borer Beetle50 - 52A HBeast0.05
Felpaw Ravager51 - 52A HBeast0.05
Overlord Ror51A HHumanoid0.05
Scarlet Infantryman53 - 54Plaguelands: The Scarlet EnclaveA HHumanoid0.05
Frenzied Pterrordax52 - 54Un'Goro CraterA HBeast0.05
Blazerunner53Un'Goro CraterA HElemental0.05
Blacklash50A HDragonkin0.02
Helboar52 - 53A HBeast0.02
Jadefire Trickster52 - 53A HDemon0.02
Forest Ooze52 - 53A HAberration0.02
Scarshield Grunt
<Scarshield Legion>
53 - 56Burning SteppesA HHumanoid0.02
Scarshield Acolyte
<Scarshield Legion>
56 - 57
Blackrock SpireA HHumanoid0.02
Fledgling Pterrordax48 - 50A HBeast0.02
Bloodaxe Worg Pup57Blackrock SpireA HBeast0.02
Shatterspear Troll52 - 58A HHumanoid0.02
Irondeep Trogg80A HHumanoid0.02
Irondeep Trogg80A HHumanoid0.02
Whitewhisker Overseer80A HHumanoid0.02
Whitewhisker Overseer80A HHumanoid0.02
Stormpike Owl80A HBeast0.02
Stormpike Owl49Alterac ValleyA HBeast0.02
Stormpike Owl63 - 64A HBeast0.02
Stormpike Owl73 - 74A HBeast0.02
Stormpike Owl80A HBeast0.02
Diseased Black Bear35 - 36Western PlaguelandsA HBeast0.02
Moora46FelwoodA HDemon0.01
Jaedenar Hunter45 - 46FelwoodA HDemon0.01
Hazzali Stinger45 - 47TanarisA HBeast0.01
Gordok Enforcer37FeralasA HHumanoid0.01
Stegodon52 - 53
Un'Goro CraterA HBeast0.01
TanarisA HDragonkin0.01
Fledgling Chillwind53 - 55A HBeast0.01
Shadowforge Peasant50 - 51Blackrock DepthsA HHumanoid0.01
Gordok Ogre-Mage36 - 37FeralasA HHumanoid0.01
Shadowsworn Warlock56 - 57Blasted LandsA HHumanoid0.01
Burning SteppesA HHumanoid0.01
Bloodpetal Trapper51 - 52Un'Goro CraterA HElemental0.01
Pterrordax50 - 52Un'Goro CraterA HBeast0.01
Jaedenar Adept45 - 46FelwoodA HHumanoid0.01
Spiked Stegodon53 - 54
Un'Goro CraterA HBeast0.01
Thunderhead Consort52 - 54A HBeast0.01
Plated Stegodon52 - 54
Un'Goro CraterA HBeast< 0.01
Irontree Stomper47 - 48FelwoodA HElemental< 0.01
Gorishi Reaver51 - 53Un'Goro CraterA HBeast< 0.01
Ravasaur Hunter49 - 50Un'Goro CraterA HBeast< 0.01
Gorishi Wasp51 - 52Un'Goro CraterA HBeast< 0.01
Felhound53 - 57Blasted LandsA HDemon< 0.01
Firegut Brute51 - 52Burning SteppesA HHumanoid< 0.01
Infernal Sentry47 - 48FelwoodA HDemon< 0.01
Shadowsworn Adept54 - 56Blasted LandsA HHumanoid< 0.01
Tar Creeper52 - 53Un'Goro CraterA HElemental< 0.01
Tainted Ooze46 - 47FelwoodA HAberration< 0.01
Black Wyrmkin50 - 51Burning SteppesA HDragonkin< 0.01
Jadefire Shadowstalker45 - 46FelwoodA HDemon< 0.01
Timbermaw Warder53 - 54Felwood, WinterspringA HHumanoid< 0.01
Shadowsworn Enforcer56 - 57Blasted LandsA HHumanoid< 0.01
Scarlet Medic52 - 54Western PlaguelandsA HHumanoid< 0.01
Jaedenar Enforcer45 - 46FelwoodA HHumanoid< 0.01
Entropic Horror47 - 48FelwoodA HElemental< 0.01
Gorishi Stinger52 - 53Un'Goro CraterA HBeast< 0.01
Primal Ooze50 - 52Un'Goro CraterA HAberration< 0.01
Un'Goro Stomper51 - 53Un'Goro CraterA HBeast< 0.01
Venomhide Ravasaur50 - 51Un'Goro CraterA HBeast< 0.01
Shadowsworn Thug54 - 56Blasted LandsA HHumanoid< 0.01


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