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Quick Facts
  • Requires Enchanting (390)
  • Training cost: 15
  • Difficulty: 390 400 405 410
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Abyssal Shatter

Abyssal Shatter
1.5 sec cast
Reagents: Abyss Crystal
Disenchant an Abyss Crystal into Greater Cosmic Essence or Infinite Dust.

Essence or Dust
Item Level 80
"Random quantity of Greater Cosmic Essence essence or Infinite Dust."


Abyss Crystal

Details on spell

Duration n/a
School Physical
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type n/a
Cost None
Range 0 yards (Self Only)
Cast time 1.5 seconds
Cooldown n/a
Effect #1 (157) Create Item 2 (27716)


Alanna Raveneye
<Enchanting Trainer>
29TeldrassilA HHumanoid
Alexis Marlowe
<Enchanting Trainer>
71Borean TundraA HHumanoid
<Enchanting Trainer>
54UldamanA HHumanoid
<Enchanting Trainer>
60NetherstormA HHumanoid
Cataclysm Shard Vendor
<Enchanting Trainer>
1A HHumanoid
Elizabeth Jackson
<Enchanting Trainer>
71Howling FjordA HHumanoid
Emil Autumn
<Enchanting Trainer>
71Howling FjordA HHumanoid
Enchanter Nalthanis
<Enchanting Trainer>
75Crystalsong ForestA HHumanoid
Enchanting60Shattrath CityA HUncategorized
Enchanting Master
<Warriors of Darkness>
A HUncategorized
Enchantress Andiala
<Enchanting Trainer>
62Shattrath CityA HHumanoid
Enchantress Volali
<Enchanting Trainer>
62Shattrath CityA HHumanoid
Eorain Dawnstrike
<Enchanting Trainer>
69Borean TundraA HHumanoid
Expansion Enchanting Trainer
<Enchanting Trainer>
1A HHumanoid
Fael Morningsong
<Enchanting Trainer>
75IcecrownA HHumanoid
<Enchanting Trainer>
60Hellfire PeninsulaA HHumanoid
Gimble Thistlefuzz
<Enchanting Trainer>
35Dun MoroghA HHumanoid
<Enchanting Trainer>
35OrgrimmarA HHumanoid
<Enchanting Trainer>
46A HHumanoid
High Enchanter Bardolan
<Enchanting Trainer>
63Shattrath CityA HHumanoid
Johan Barnes
<Enchanting Trainer>
60Hellfire PeninsulaA HHumanoid
Kitta Firewind
<Enchanting Trainer>
44Elwynn ForestA HHumanoid
Lai the Spellpaw
<Enchanting Trainer>
85The Jade ForestA HHumanoid
Lavinia Crowe
<Enchanting Trainer>
35Tirisfal GladesA HHumanoid
Lissah Spellwick
<Enchanting Trainer & Supplies>
37Dustwallow MarshA HHumanoid
Lucan Cordell
<Enchanting Trainer>
35Stormwind CityA HHumanoid
Magistrix Eredania
<Enchanting Trainer>
16Eversong WoodsA HHumanoid
<Enchanting Trainer>
30Azuremyst IsleA HHumanoid
<Enchanting Trainer>
30Silvermoon CityA HHumanoid
<Enchanting Trainer>
35DarnassusA HHumanoid
Teg Dawnstrider
<Enchanting Trainer>
35Thunder BluffA HHumanoid
Vance Undergloom
<Enchanting Trainer>
31Tirisfal GladesA HHumanoid
Xylinnia Starshine
<Enchanting Trainer>
51FeralasA HHumanoid
<Enchanting Trainer>
62Shattrath CityA HHumanoid


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