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Quick Facts
  • Level: 49
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Summon Abyssal

Summon Abyssal
12.5% of base mana
30 yd range
Instant10 min cooldown
Summons a meteor from the Twisting Nether, causing 1 Fire damage and stunning all enemy targets in the area for 2 sec. An Abyssal rises from the crater, under the command of the caster for 1 min.

The Abyssal deals strong area of effect damage, and will be drawn to attack targets near the impact point.

Details on spell

Duration n/a
School Shadow
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type n/a
Cost 12.5% of base mana
Range 30 yards (Medium Range)
Cast time Instant
Cooldown 600 seconds
Effect #1 (32) Trigger Missile
Radius: 10 yards
Infernal Awakening
Effect #2 (32) Trigger Missile
Summon Abyssal

