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1. The Missing War Party
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The Missing War Party

Try and find the missing Garadar war party.


After the last Murkblood raid, a group of younglings decided to act. We tried to stop them but the rage had taken hold. It has now been one week since we last saw our beloved younglings.

Please, <race>, you must find them! They have just barely reached adolescence. How can they expect to defeat such savages?

They took the road leading west out of town. Follow that road around and look for signs of our younglings.

And <name>, avoid Halaa if you value your life. It is a war-zone.


I have been told stories of my people. They say that once, we were warriors...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2,925 experience (1 56 at max. level)
  • 50 Reputation with The Mag'har



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