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4. A Terrible Purpose
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A Terrible Purpose

Take the Decoded Tablet Parchment to Commander Mar'alith.
Decoded Tablet Transcription (Provided)


Ok, here we are... a pretty valuable chunk of information, I must say! I've seen the Cenarion Circle forces arrive at Silithus. They plan to drive the Twilight's Hammer out, don't they? This will help.

Take this parchment to their leader, Commander Mar'alith. Soon the Twilight's Hammer will be vanquished and I will be outside their grasp for good!


What is this you bring to me, <name>?


This is very interesting information indeed, <name>. This sheds some light on the presence of the Twilight's Hammer in Silithus and will undoubtedly help us in our struggle against them. Your efforts will be handsomely rewarded, <class>.


Also, you get: 1 70


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 8,475 experience (5 7 at max. level)
  • 500 Reputation with Cenarion Circle



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