Gryth Thurden
Bring the Honorary Cleavers to Gryth Thurden in Ironforge.Honorary Cleavers (Provided) |
Here are the honorary cleavers for Gremlock's students. If you've already been to Kharanos, then you should fly a gryphon back there!Take the cleavers to our gryphon master, Gryth Thurden, and speak with him about a ride back to Kharanos.
You look like you have somewhere to go. Need one of my gryphons?Completion
You have to get these to Kharanos, eh? That won't be a problem. As long as you've already been to Kharanos and spoken to Brolan Galebeard, then you can take one of my gryphons back to him.Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 480 experience (2 70 at max. level)
- 25 Reputation with Gnomeregan