Return to Varg
Buy a wind rider to Bloodhoof Village from the wind rider master Tal, then bring Ahanu's Leather Goods to Varg Whisperwind.Ahanu's Leather Goods (Provided) |
In order to fly to a town, you must have already been there and spoken with the wind rider master of that town. You have been to the Bloodhoof Village and spoken to their wind rider master Tak, so for a small fee you can take a wind rider to him from here.Speak with me again when you are ready. Once at Bloodhoof Village, you can then deliver the leather goods to Varg Whisperwind.
<name>, you are back from Thunder Bluff? Did you deliver the hides to Ahanu?Completion
Ahanu sent me finished products? Very good. There are many hunters and adventurers in Bloodhoof Village now and business is lively. I am sure I'll sell these goods very soon. Thank you for all your efforts, <name>. I am in your debt.Rewards
Also, you get: 1 75Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 642 experience (3 90 at max. level)
- 350 Reputation with Thunder Bluff