Bring the Razor Hill Gift Voucher to Magga in Razor Hill.Razor Hill Gift Voucher (Provided) |
Welcome to the World of Warcraft!As special thanks for purchasing the World of Warcraft Collector's Edition, turn in this gift voucher to Magga in Razor Hill. You'll then be given a gift: a little companion to join you on your quest for adventure and glory.
Thanks again, and enjoy your stay in the World of Warcraft!
Hello! It is a pleasure to meet you!I see you have a special voucher. Give it to me and I will offer you something in exchange.
You are indeed a special hero, <name>. We welcome you to the world of Azeroth, and offer you one of these unique gifts!Rewards
You will be able to choose one of these rewards:Diablo Stone | Panda Collar | Zergling Leash |