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Quick Facts
  • Requires level 40
  • Side: Horde
  • Race: Orc, Undead, Tauren, Troll, Blood Elf
  • Class: Warlock
  • Sharable
1. Summon Felsteed
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Summon Felsteed

Speak to Strahad Farsan in Ratchet.


You, <race>! Come here!

You're the one they call <name>, yes?

I thought as much. I will keep this short: you're growing in power, and it has been acknowledged. And now, the time has come that you are rewarded for your efforts.

Go to the Barrens. There, above Ratchet, you'll find Strahad Farsan--perhaps you remember him? He would have words with you. I wouldn't take long.


So, you've decided to grace my presence again. How kind of you.

My acolytes wondered if you'd ever show up. I told them there was no doubt. When power is concerned, you are drawn in like a moth to the flame.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 440 experience (9 60 at max. level)



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