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Find some Special Chicken Feed and return to your befriended chicken. When you find it, /cheer at it before trying to give it the Special Chicken Feed.
Special Chicken Feed


"Cluck... cluck... cluck... BACAW!

Cluck... cluck... cluck."

The chicken looks up at you and then starts to scratch its claws into the ground. You think it is spelling out a word, but you are not sure what it is. Could it be... S-A-L-D-E-A-N? Before you can ask, the chicken turns away and goes about its business.


The chicken stares at you with dark, cold eyes. It waits for you hungrily.





The chicken starts to gobble up the feed you put down.

After a moment, the chicken looks around, startled. It uncomfortably shuffles back and forth. Is this chicken pregnant? You think you better check underneath it.


The following spell will be cast on you:
Summon Chicken Egg


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